Useful information
This section includes various information regarding our company, services, liability as well as it contains answers to the most common questions in the F.A.Q. directory. As global immigration agents MundiPass is trying to be transparent in it’s activity and offered services, that is why we want to provide as many details as possible to our highly valued customers.
In addition, we constantly renew and develop our website, meaning that the information in the following section is constantly updated as well! If you want to receive updates and news from MundiPass – you can subscribe to our Facebook page.
About MundiPass
MundiPass is a rapidly growing company, offering global immigration services, including residence permit and second passport acquisition in various countries, depending on your goals and needs. Our immigration lawyers and agents can assist you with over fifteen programs in eight jurisdictions.
Our main goal is to assist international investors and entrepreneurs on immigration-related matters and provide high quality business-immigration services. Over the course of 8 years we have successfully dealt with more than 250 immigration cases, servicing over 1000 clients from all around the world.
If you have an inquiry or a question – feel free to contact us!
In this section you can find miscellaneous information, which you may find important as a customer, client or visitor. However, you need to remember that this website is made of summarized information and general advices, which should not be recognized as a legal opinion.
Utility section currently includes F.A.Q. directory and disclaimers. If you have any questions about business immigration, immigration programs, legal procedures, documents required, our services, agents or liability – you can look for answers in this section. Also, here you can find disclaimers about terms and conditions of application contained within this website, our services and our liability.
We highly recommend reading our disclaimers prior to browsing the website or ordering our business immigration services.